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cirp psychology campus sri lanka


We are a forward thinking, change-making university with a proud tradition of commitment to academic excellence and research that reflects creativity and unconstrained thinking. Focusing specifically on intellectual inquiry of human behavior and experience, we have gathered decades of expertise in teaching, training and researching psychology and related academic disciplines.


From our inception in 2010 we have progressed in quality and quantity to become a leading force in psychology education in Sri Lanka and South Asia. We pioneered transnational psychology education in South Asia, bringing international standards in teaching psychology to the region. Dedication and commitment of our staff and the passionate and globally employable graduates we have produced have positioned us as the premier campus for psychology in the South Asian region.


We equip our students with academic boldness that encourages unconstrained thinking, intellectual curiosity that promotes life-long learning and confidence that brings out creativity & innovation.


Our staff and students have created a vibrant and a warm culture where diversity is embraced, differences are accepted and traditions are respected. World class learning resources, modern learning technologies and excellent lecturing staff provide our students with the highest standards in psychology education.


Delivering undergraduate and postgraduate education in psychology in collaboration with leading international universities, we have provided opportunities to thousands of students to obtain internationally recognized qualifications studying in Sri Lanka. Our transfer programs create numerous pathways where students can explore further education in several destinations around the world.


We work closely with government and private organizations establishing training, research and consultancy collaborations to promote psychological applications in many different fields. These collaborations enable our students to gain valuable work experience and build confidence making them globally employable graduates.

cirp coat of arms

CIRP Coat of Arms

Each part of our Coat of Arms has a deep meaning and they represent the very values and virtues we believe in and practice. 

Color (Blue):       Truth

Color (Gold):      Elevation of the mind

Color (Red):        Magnanimity

Crown:                 Royal authority

Headdress: Knowledge

Knight’s Helmet: Wisdom

Ivy Leaves: Strong relationships

Mantling: Autonomy & Authority

Platform: Represents the ten virtues of body (to protect life, to practice generosity, keep pure morality), speech (to tell the truth, to reconcile, to speak in a quiet and gentle way, to have a sensible speech), mind (to be content, to be altruistic, to have faith in the right views)

Roundel:  The circle of arrows is the universal symbol for chaos, representing the environment. The design within the circle which forms the Greek letter psi represents psychology, aiding in decoding and understanding the environment.

Left side of the roundel represented in black and white mirrors the left hemisphere of the observer’s brain, the logical side, and the right side represents the creative hemisphere, with the symbol equally touching both sides.

Tassels: The tie that binds diverse opinions together


Our Vision

“Groom the top visionaries of the time, and be recognized as being a vital aspect

of their success’

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Our Motto

Ad Lucem          ‘Towards the light’

“Light” represents positive force, hope, clarity, and understanding.  “Towards the light" signifies personal development, leaving behind negative habits or beliefs and embracing positive ones. "Light" also represents a higher power or divine consciousness, "towards the light" mean seeking enlightenment or connection with a higher truth.

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